What is Quiet Quitting, and How Do You Tackle It?

What is Quiet Quitting, and How Do You Tackle It?

It is one of the current trending topics in the workplace, but what is the new phenomenon of quiet quitting, and is it really anything new?

Quiet quitting isn’t anything new, although it is perhaps now only being recognised as a trend in the workplace. The term describes a previously engaged, hard-working employee who starts to take their foot of the gas, doing the bare minimum required in their role without going above and beyond. When an employee shows signs of quiet quitting, you are highly likely to find a resignation letter in your inbox pretty soon.

Why Quiet Quitting?

It can be difficult to determine whether someone is engaged or not in the workplace; after all, only 21% of employees globally said they are engaged, according to a report by Gallup. The key is to look at the differences in behaviour exhibited by an employee. The act of quiet quitting often isn’t a deliberate behaviour to take the foot off the gas. Instead, it is usually down to the employee lacking motivation for the job or the company. They may feel that their efforts to go above and beyond are unappreciated. They may feel like they are not valued in the workplace or might just be fed up with the job or the company. Employers must be aware of the signs of quiet quitting, as it is possible to re-engage the employee and, therefore, negate the risk of them leaving. If you don’t stay aware of employee behaviours, they may end up with another offer when it’s too far down the line. Consequently, a counter-offer on your part may just deal with the imminent shock of a resignation. Counter-offers are often like sticking a plaster over the problem, they don’t get to the root of why the employee wants to leave. Additionally, they can have a less desirable effect. They can make the employee wonder why it took another job offer for you to recognise their value. Proactively staying ahead of unwanted resignations and becoming aware of the signs of quiet quitting is a much more effective way to manage your workforce. These are some ways to deal with quiet quitting

Communicate with Employees

If you notice a formerly engaged employee is performing differently, the first step is to speak to them and find out what is wrong. It may not be work-related, it may be something happening in their personal life. You mustn’t accuse them of being disengaged; ask them how they are and if they need help. You may even consider asking your entire workforce to provide feedback, as you might find the same issues arising.

Offer Development Opportunities

Most employees want to be able to develop in their role and move on when they feel they have reached their potential. If you are not offering development opportunities, you will find that your employees will start looking elsewhere.

Evaluate Market

We all want to be paid our worth, and it is the responsibility of employers to keep their eye on the market. If you are not paying at least the market rate, you can be sure that your employees will start to look elsewhere.

Provide Feedback

Employees need to know how they’re doing. They need it for recognition and to understand how they can improve. Employees who do not receive feedback can feel worried and anxious that they are not performing as well as their employer wants them to. So be honest with feedback, and ensure you shout out when your employees do something great. Recognition is one of the reasons an employee will want to stay.

If you have any recruitment needs within your workplace and need some support, you can contact our experienced specialist recruitment consultants for an initial chat.