We asked our CEO John Agnew the question “Who is hiring at the moment, but more importantly, Why would they look to hire people during these difficult times?” Here’s what he had to say.
“Having just made two key hire’s in a market that has seen significant disruption and elements of uncertainty, some might ask why…
From engaging with my network who are hiring and will hire the reason for ‘why’ varies from to gain competitive advantage, to support further Business goals or help achieve future goals. A common theme is around availability of talent and the need to be appropriately staffed to deal with current and anticipated future Business demands.
Over the past few weeks there has been a marked increase in recruitment and hiring activity and candidates more so than ever are keen to gain employment with organisation that have ‘enhanced’ career opportunities, with strong foundations coupled with clear goals for the future.
So the reason why…. is all of the above. It is also worth considering what if you don’t act now. The view of many across my network is that those organisations that have a desire to grow, but are putting recruitment off will have challenges in the early part of next year due to a congested market”
If you’re looking for next career move, or need support in finding that perfect hire, get in touch with us on 0141 270 5003!