It’s natural to strive to become a ‘greener’ citizen at home but we at FPSG Glasgow are committed to taking it one step further and extending it to our office environment in order to ‘go green’. 72% of UK workers say that having an eco-friendly office is important to them – well it’s definitely important to us!
Here are some of the steps we have taken so far:
In order to reduce the amount of plastic that is heaved into our oceans, we have ditched single use plastic cups completely and our staff now use either an old fashioned glass or a reusable water bottle. #nosingleuseplastic
We are encouraging staff to #thinkbeforeyouprint and if we do need to print a document we make sure it is printed double sided and in black & white, saving paper and ink toner!
Our bins are separated into General Waste and Recyclable Waste – basic basic basic but surely the number one rule of going green is recycling well!
During the #heatwave, we have been opening windows more than usual instead of using the air conditioning.
We have purchased a small amount of crockery and cutlery, just like we have at home, so we no longer need to accept plastic cutlery/plates from the local lunch vendors. #saynotostraws
We did experiment with turning the office lights off during these lovely bright days but unfortunately some areas of our office just weren’t sufficiently lit so, for now, that’s a work in progress. However, we do make sure that the meeting room lights are only switched on when they are going to be in use instead of blaring away all day long!
I’m sure these are small, simple steps in the grand scheme of things but it’s a start – please add your comments with any other ideas for becoming a greener office.
#nosingleuseplastic #thinkgreen #savetheplanet
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