Hatchimals, Mulled Wine, Christmas Markets, Michael Kors Watches, Turkey, Mince Pies, Santa…
….The words that describe Christmas 2016 to most of us.
But what if that isn’t the Christmas norm?
What if a successful Christmas doesn’t end in simply slipping into a food coma after devouring that last stuffing ball to the Queen’s speech? What if simply being safe and warm with your family is all you ask?
Back in October, when most were thinking of their Halloween Fancy Dress or where the best Bonfire night will be this year, here at FPSG our minds were focused on a different topic – helping people in need this Christmas.
Following an impassioned office meeting, one charity really stood out from the rest, where we found common ground, empathy and passion.
Glasgow Women’s Aid has been supporting women, children and young people who are experiencing domestic abuse for over 35 years. They provide information, support and temporary refuge to women and their families in need.
The charity had been chosen and now the decision came as to how we could support them and really make a difference. Ideas banded around the office from shark to charity runs. But we wanted something different, something that would make us think every week and turn our minds to those in need in the lead up to Christmas.
On the 23rd September we decided to launch the Mega Christmas Hamper Campaign over the 12 days of Christmas. Every Friday for 12 weeks, each member of staff was requested to bring at least 1 item to donate to the hamper. Items for children, babies, teenagers and mums.
In the quest to bring relevant items in, we learnt from GWA they ask children to choose a gift for their mum from the selection and wrap to gift them on Christmas Day. When distributing gifts they think about individual family needs, so we could offer something to everyone.
The commitment from the full team was fantastic and our Mega Hamper brimmed with toys, clothes, toiletries, sweets; everything needed for a great Christmas. The only negative being, we wished we had started the hamper sooner. The gift of Charity should span further than 1 day a year or 12 weeks a year and should be in your heart 365 days of the year.
I would personally like to thank my colleagues for their support, kindness and commitment to this charitable event we launched. We all have different backgrounds and financial situations; but there is always someone with that little bit less than yourself.
I urge everyone this year to commit to helping someone in need, whether that’s a gift or a simple smile; after all Christmas is the season of Giving