After a fun filled and very enjoyable Client Quiz Night back in October, we decided it was about time to do it all over again.
On 22nd March, FPSG held yet another uber competitive Quiz Night in our favorite venue – The Pony. It was great to see another fantastic turnout, Clients both old and new mixing and mingling together whilst enjoying a beer or two… or three… you know the rest…
Good effort by both teams who came joint first and caused a tie-breaker question that had everyone thinking – How many episodes has there been of Noels House Party??
High Fives to the winning team Percepta who walked away with the top prize. Better luck next time to our good friends at Space and People (we will win next time guys J)
Our night carried on till the early hours by the very ‘brave’ & ‘jolly’ ones – and rumor has it someone went home with a reserved sign and someone also lost a shoe ( this baffles me) you know who you are J
Ultimately a great night had by all!!
We’ve put together some photos from our night and wanted to share them with you. Thanks for a fun night guys and we look forward to many more!!